We build the new

We stand for:

fair value

Did you know that, from the money you spend on coffee, only 10% gets left behind in the country of origin? We do. And this is why we are working towards a 50/50 distribution of value across the supply chain.

Equal partnerships

To get to a 50/50 distribution of value, we need to treat all our partners as equals and bring back balance in our supply chain. This means that our farmers get their fair share, as well as our roasters, customers and employees.

Great Coffee

But whatever we are doing to make the world a better place, we always want to create a great product. This is why we only use top 5% beans handpicked by our loyal farmers.

Want a taste? Get a sample pack.

Drinking our coffee is not only good for our farmers, your taste buds will do their happy dance too. Want to taste our awesome coffees and see which flavour suits you best? Order one bag or all of them and find your favourite.

Together we can change the world

The global coffee supply chain is broken and we are here to fix it. We are bringing value back to the coffee producing countries and are aiming to bring 1 million farmers out of poverty. Make sure they receive a living wage and make all development aid redundant. 

Want to know more about the broken coffee chain, our efforts to fix it and the ways you can help?


Do you want to drink Moyee Coffee at work?